1.Name of project:
JANOSIK (Czech, Slovakian and Polish hero)
Project idea:
We would collect historical, traditional and literary sources
about Janosik (Ondraszek) and create a map of places where he
was. We would like to organize a mountain trip "To Follow
JANOSIK" in all his fatherlands.
2.Age level of project participants: Above 15 (students of
secondary schools)
3. Starting date: Nov 30, 1998
4. Ending date: Nov 30, 1999
5. Sample suggested/proposed activities:
Collecting legends, tales, literature sources about Janosik.
Creating WWW pages (English or optional national languages).
Planning common mountain trip. Adding to WWW pages pictures and
description of the trip. Create an electronic guide "To
follow Janosik"
6.Expected outcomes: Web pages.
How will this project make a contribution to others and the
planet? Cooperation people from Centeast Europe.
8.Language(s) of the project: English
9. Names and e-mail addresses of the initial participating
group: Jesuits High School Gdynia, Poland ljezgdy@ids.gda.pl
10. Name and e-mail address of facilitator(s): Zdzich
Kamrowski zkamrows@ids.gda.pl
11. Conference where it will take place: iearn.centeast
12.How to participate: Send a registration form via e-mail
to: JHS
Application form:
Name of the coordinator:_________________
Mailing address: _____________________________________________
E-mail Address: ___________________________
School: __________
Internet/WWW? _________